Mouth Blown And Handcrafted Ornaments
Crafted By Artists In Poland Creating Ornaments To Treasure
Today And Heirlooms For Tomorrow
Brent Lawyer
Excerpts from an interview with Brent
How did you and Thomas Glenn begin to work together?
Years ago, I owned a retail store in Chicago and was shopping the Atlanta market when I saw a collection of Asian ornaments that stopped me in my tracks. I started a conversation with Tom, placed an order and waited to see what my customers thought. My biggest mistake that first year was not ordering enough.
The Thomas Glenn collection was sold out in days. Each year after that the orders got larger, and I had customers waiting to see what Tom would have new that year.
What sets your style aesthetic apart from others?
The Thomas Glenn collection n has always been known for using a unique color palate. Pushing boundaries, and using unexpected colors is exciting and fun, and opens the world of design to all possibilities.

Where do you find inspiration?
As with Tom, inspiration comes from everywhere. It may be clothing fashion, a song you hear or something that someone says. But beyond all of these the greatest inspiration is simply nature. It doesn't get better than Mother Nature.
Who do you think your style appeals to and why?
My hope and goal is that the line will appeal to anyone who has a child's heart at Christmas. What I mean by this is someone who is open to and seeks out the wonder and joy of the holiday season. The whole point of the collection is to bring people together by decorating a tree, giving a gift, or just remembering a special place or moment when they saw the ornament that they just had to have it.
What artist/designer's work do you appreciate?
Let me say thanks to everyone who has ever broken rules and inspired me such as Vincent Van Gogh, Freddie Mercury, Billie Holiday, Issey Miyake, Robert Motherwell, Cole Porter, George Bellows, the Beatles, Santa Claus, Buddha, Frank Gehry, Dior, Truman Capote, Pet Shop Boys, Louis Sullivan, Jackson Pollack, Leonard Berstein, Charlie Chaplin, Walt Disney, Patti LuPone, Calvin Klein, Gerhard Richter, Julia Child, Beethoven, Noel Coward, etc...............................